بخش صنایع غذایی - تاریخچه
بخش صنایع غذایی - تاریخچه
Food science and technology is a branch of science involving a wide range of disciplines encompassing physical, chemical, and biological aspects of agricultural products. The aims of food science are to study the transport, storage, processing, packaging and quality control of foods, as well as formulation of new products.
Graduates of this branch of science are able to play key roles in food industries to design food plants and work as production engineers, new product development and quality control managers. Food scientists are also employed in research organizations (for applied research projects) and in higher education centers.
Department of Food Science and Technology of Shiraz University was started in 1967. This department currently offers, BSc of Food Science and Technology, MSc in Food Science and Technology (Chemistry and Technology), and PhD in Food Science and Technology (Microbiology and Technology).